Mainstay has consistently achieved low staff attrition rates, compared with Industry averages, through innovative Operational and HR programs.
Recruitment Strategy
Applicants are sourced through a variety of sources including Newspaper advertisements, Specialist recruitment consultants and referrals from existing staff.
The candidates undergo a variety of intensive assessments, which include face-to-face interviews with our Recruitment department and voice and accents experts. This is then followed by a written test for grammar and a process specific test. These tests are used to identify only the strongest candidates.
Upon successful completion of all previous stages the Campaign Manager gives the applicant a final interview.
Retention Strategy
The retention of employees is seen as critical to the success of the operations and a variety of initiatives have been introduced to address this area. They include:
· Recognition of performance with recognition and rewards.
· Develop individuals through coaching, training and Performance Development Plans.
· Create and provide internal growth opportunities.
· Options for agents to rotate between functions within the call centre
· Sponsorship of entertainment and team outings
Click here to download a PDF version of our Recruitment Process